The shoulder is a tremendously complicated joint, and can easily go wrong!
Find out what causes shoulder pain, what you can do to treat shoulder problems at home, what doctors can do if your shoulders hurt and how massage and sports massage can help people struggling with shoulder issues.

Written by Arran Tomlinson, Sports Massage Therapist at Muscle Mender, Buckshaw Village, Chorley
Many people think the shoulder is where the arm meets the side of the body.
Other people think the shoulder is the triangular bone at the top right and top left of the back.
But the shoulder is actually much more than this.
Three bones make up your shoulder: the upper arm bone (called the humerus), the shoulder blade (called the scapular) and the collar bone (called the clavicle).
The upper arm bone connects to the shoulder blade (held in place by muscles, ligaments and tendons) and the collar bone also connects to the shoulder blade (again, held in place by muscles, ligaments and tendons). These two joints (called the glenohumeral joint and the acromioclavicular joint) allow the arm all the wonderful range of motion it has. The muscles that support this movement (and there's quite a few) are known collectively as "the rotator cuff" muscles.
With the shoulder joint being so complicated, and arms being so useful, there's lots of potential for problems.
Injuries are a very common cause of shoulder pain - breaks and fractures to the collar bone or upper arm bone are quite common after falls. Tears, sprains and strains to the muscles and ligaments of the arm are also common.
Sometimes pain is caused by overuse - many sports and jobs involve repetitive movements of the arm, which can cause tendinitis (where the tendon becomes irritated) or bursitis, and this can lead to pain.
Posture can sometimes to lead to shoulder pain if it results in muscles being strained or sprained.
And, of course, there are some medical conditions that can cause shoulder pain, like arthritis or "frozen shoulder".
Many people will try treating their shoulder pain at home to begin with.
Using painkillers like paracetamol can help reduce pain, while medication like ibuprofen can help reduce pain and inflammation. Although many painkillers can be bought without a prescription, it's important to only take medication that you know is safe for you, and to only take the recommended dose. If you're not sure what you can take, it is worth speaking to your GP or pharmacist.
Some people will use either heat or ice to help with shoulder pain. Heat can feel very comforting when you have shoulder pain. Ice can help reduce inflammation and numb the painful area, but studies now suggest that ice can slow healing in some cases.
While the idea of moving might seem odd, gentle stretches can help, but it's important to listen to your body and be careful not to cause further pain.
Some people find that using sports tape on their shoulder can help provide a sense of support and change the sensation in the shoulder which can feel like it's reducing pain. Sports tape is easy to find both online or in stores like Boots, and there are lots of videos online about how to apply tape.
If home remedies don't help with your shoulder pain, you might decide to go and see a GP.
Many GPs will treat shoulder pain initially with stronger painkillers (prescription painkillers), and may refer you to a NHS Physiotherapist for further treatment. They may also refer you for an MRI or Xray to see if there is any structural cause for the pain you are feeling.
A physiotherapist may suggest a variety of exercises and stretches.
Some people choose to seek massage or sports massage therapy for shoulder pain. Sports massage - like that offered by Muscle Mender in Chorley - focuses on restoring movement and reducing pain, and while results cannot be guaranteed, many people find sports massage a useful complementary therapy for neck problems.

If you've got a problem with your shoulder, I'll help you by using a variety of techniques, including massage, sports massage, cupping, scraping and kinesiology taping.
When I see my clients, I examine exactly what is going on because as a fully trained therapist, I know that the cause of pain is not always where you feel it - shoulder pain can be caused by issues in other parts of the body such as the chest, back or neck.
The treatment I offer is personalised for you, with the aim of helping you get back to doing what you love as soon as possible.